SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Why Should I Invest In Dental Digital Marketing?
SEO gives you about 20 times more traffic on mobile and desktop than other methods!
Although, PPC campaigns do have their own benefits, which you can learn more about here.

Dental SEO Search Engine Optimization Grand Rapids MI
As a content creator, you need to understand how backlinks, keywords, and headings (H1, H2, and H3) work. Also, keep in mind that these aspects make up only a portion of the SEO pie. Writing something yourself is a good start. But it’s not a finished product until it’s been optimized for Google and other search engines.
As a dental marketing company that understands how SEO works, PMAX Dental has the team to deliver high-quality, finished products.
Aren’t convinced yet? Here are some more SEO statistics that will blow your mind.
The first organic search engine result on a desktop gets about 19% of clicks! The first organic mobile result has an even higher click-through rate at almost 28%. Furthermore, 75% of internet users never go past the first page of search engine results.
The message is clear. If you’re not on the first page of Google or other search engines, these clicks will go to your competitors.
Unlike other general marketing companies, we specialize in dental SEO services. Since 2008, we’ve helped countless dentists, periodontists, oral surgeons, and other dental professionals reach the first rank on Google, and develop more new patient leads because of it.
In fact, you could say that our passion is using SEO to help dental practices like yours thrive.
What is Search Engine Optimization?
First of all, let’s tell you what search engine optimization isn’t.
SEO isn’t a gimmick or a quick fix.
Dental search engine optimization is a team effort.
That’s why we have in-house specialists for content, web development, social media, video, and photography. All of these elements can be used to boost your dental SEO.
For most business owners though, finding the time to develop all these skills is near impossible. But dental marketing through PMAX Dental is easy.
First, we’ll discuss your goals for dental digital marketing. We’ll also ask you how you want your website to look and function. All these questions are important so we can develop the best strategy for your practice.
About 94% of the total organic traffic comes from Google. But our dental digital marketing is inclusive of all search engines. That way, you never miss an opportunity to connect with a prospective new patient.
Our team will identify keywords specific to the dental industry and your practice. We will also update metadata, use alternative text to optimize images, fix broken links, while also enlisting other tactics to give your website the best advantage.
Once we’re done, you’ll have a website that’s modern, attractive, and optimized. The optimization also helps your site rank high in search engine results!
Request a Free Web Analysis!
Approximately 61% of marketers say that increasing organic traffic through SEO is important. In other words, now is the perfect time to start investing in your dental practice.
Clinic Creators is a professional dental SEO company. We offer dental search engine optimization services, dental video services, dental website design services, and more! To request your free web analysis, feel free to call us at (786) 9039459.